Best online international bank, money & cryptocurrency transfers | Instantly send global banking funds from credit cards to your accounts

The Best online, instant & international money and cryptocurrency bank transfers

Have your money transferred to credit cards and bank accounts at any time, to your preferred location in just minutes

Send Money & Cryptocurrency

Instantly And Globally Send Money from accounts and credit cards

With just 4 simple steps, you are good to go in creating an alert in the banks of your loved ones and business partners at the receiving end. We have you covered by providing the simple steps below, making your transfers more timely and reliable.


Most Secured Bank Transfers with Low Transfer Fees

You must have been disappointed at least once or you should know a friend who has while using unsecured and unregistered platforms. DIGITAL ASSET PAY feels your pains and has decided to never allow that happen to anyone again, considering you take the bold step to try it out.

In possession of the best payment protocols to guarantee your payments with no vulnerability.
There is a rumor circulating that everything is just ok here except our transfer fees. I have good news for you, DIGITAL ASSET PAY has you at heart and have made its transfer fees very low that will blow your mind off on seeing it in addition to no delays.
Sender and receiver receive instant notification on the sending time and receiving time, clearing the doubts if the money has arrived or not

Why Send Money with our payment services

Instantly And Globally Send Money from accounts and credit cards

Value creation is fundamental in any business and growth. Being conscious of this, our team works so hard to see how more value can be added to our various services, focusing more on security and the speed of money transfer to your loved one.

DIGITAL ASSET PAY has the latest most secured and fastest money transfer systems in the 21st century.
DIGITAL ASSET PAY welcomes all your criticisms as a motivation for improvement.
DIGITAL ASSET PAY is here to stay and will continue putting smiles on the faces of its clients.
They have to try DIGITAL ASSET PAY and become a bearer of their personal testimonies.

Secure Payment With Low Transfer Fees

Profit from different rewards we offer you while using our system.

What users say about Us

We adopt the CANI (Constant and never-ending improvement). We listen to learn more, become more and serve more.